Syllabus for M 340 – Section 04


M340: Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations, Spring 2004

Prerequisite: M255 or M261 or M CC 255

Textbook:  Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, Boyce & DiPrima, 7th Edition

Obs1: Credit allowed for only one of the courses: M340, M345, M355.

Obs2: Everyone must register for both lecture and laboratory.



Instructor - Contact Information:

Stefan Cruceanu, Office: Weber 13, Tel: 1-2594, e-mail:


Class Dates/Time/Location:

January 20th – May 7th, MTWF, 11:00 – 11:50 AM, E-203


Office Hours:

MTWF 10:00 –10:50 AM, or by appointment.


Grading Procedures:

1- Take Home Exams


2- Mid-term Exam


3- Final Exam






The Take Home Exams will be handed out approximately every 2 weeks. The due date for each will be announced when the exam is given out. The Mid-term and Final Exam will be in class exams and will be open book.



                Homework problems will be assigned but not collected.


Technology Labs:

We will not hold a regular lab meeting (Tuesdays will be regular class sessions) but we will make use of the computer in the course.



Course Coordinator:




Course Content:

We will not require the text but will cover (more or less) the material that is contained in chapters 1,2,3 and 6,7,9 in the text by Boyce and DiPrima (see the M340 website). More specifically, the topics covered will include


                Introduction to Differential Equations

                First Order Equations

                Second Order Linear Equations

                The Laplace Transform

                Systems of Linear Equations

                Dynamical Systems




Updated:   Monday, January 19th, 2004