Syllabus for M CC 161 – Section 09


M161, Calculus for the Physical Sciences II, Spring 2003

Prerequisite: M CC124, M CC 160

Textbook:  Calculus, Stewart, 4th Edition

Calculator: TI83 or better



Contact Information:

Stefan Cruceanu, Office: Weber 13, Tel: 1-2594, e-mail:


Class Dates/Time/Location:

January 21st – May 9th, MTWF, 3:10 – 4:00 PM, E-104


Office Hours:

MTWF 1:00 – 2:00 PM, or by appointment.


Course Content:

Exponentials and logarithms, integration techniques, applications of integrals, parametric equations and polar coordinates, sequences and series, complex numbers.


Grading Procedures:

1- Common exams (3 of them)

100 + 100 + 100 = 300 points

2- Final

200 points

3- Homework

50   points

4- Ecalc quizzes

50   points

5- Technology Labs

50   points


650 points


The grade scale will generally be: 585-650->A, 520-584->B, 455-519->C, 390-454->D, below 390->F. 



There will be three evening exams (February 13th, March 20th and April 17th: 5:15-7:00pm). These dates are published in the Schedule of Classes and you are expected to attend the exam. Calculators will not be permitted for the first exam (February 13th) but will be allowed on the other two evening exams and on the final exam. The second exam is the week after spring break. Plan on being back in time. The final exam for this course will be given on Wednesday, May 14th, 1:30-3:30 pm. The rooms for the exams will be assigned later. The exams will test any or all of the material listed on the course schedule, including the material introduced through the technology labs. The only excused absences from these exams are official university approved absences. If you have an unavoidable conflict with an evening exam or final, you must submit a written explanation (email is preferred) of your conflict to the course coordinator at least two weeks prior to the exam. Include your phone number and email address in your message. Each evening exam will count 100 points towards your final grade. The final exam will be comprehensive and count 200 points towards your final grade.



Write the solution of the homework step-by-step fashion and box your answer. Otherwise your answer will not get full credit.


Homework will be assigned daily (except for a few exceptions).


Obs: The assignments will be returned after 2 - 3 lectures. In general, three problems will be graded from each assignment, based on 10 points per it.

Important Note: There will be no late assignments accepted.


Technology Labs:

The labs will be assigned as indicated in the syllabus. The labs are based on Matlab software package. The labs and the write-ups of these labs will generally be due two days after the lab days. The technology labs will count 40 points toward your final grade.


Ecalc quizzes:


Students will have two weeks to take the first exam and nine days for each of the other exams. Each new quiz will be made available over the Internet starting each Saturday morning at 12:05 am and ending Monday at 11:55 pm. The Ecalc quizzes can be accessed from the M161 homepage.


Important Dates – Spring 2003




Classes Begin


Limited Drop Period Ends


Initial and Limited Add Period Ends


Test 1     5:15-7:00 PM


Spring Break begins


Test 2     5:15-7:00 PM


Last day for dropping courses


Test 3     5:15-7:00 PM


Last Day of Classes


Final Exam, Wednesday, 1:30 - 3:30 PM


For class schedule and for all other information visit


Course Coordinators:






Updated:   Saturday, January 20th, 2003